Legal structure
Anne Folan and Associates LLC is a sole proprietorship incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Employee Identification Number
Registered agent
George Snead Esq.
Parrish Snead Franklin Simpson
910 Princess Anne Street, Second Floor
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Corporations, foundations, and research centers hire afa to:
- Craft strategy—define clear communications objectives and chart the course to get there
- Manage press and public relations
- Write—speeches, op/eds, columns, blog posts, white papers, policy briefs, book chapters
- Edit technical writing
- Transform complex data and research findings into clear prose
- Teach public speaking and presentation skills
- Mentor in-house communications teams
- Write & design annual reports
- Manage book-length publications
- Provide creative / art direction
- Create digital / interactive design
- Manage rebrandings and other complex and high-stakes communications projects
Our Values…
We believe in the power of simplicity. We take inspiration from everyone from Strunk & White to William Morris (“Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful”) to Jil Sanders.
That beauty will save the world. Humans are hard-wired to respond to the beautiful, whether they’re contemplating a great piece of art or reading your corporate annual report. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth making beautiful.
In everyone playing to their strengths. Great leadership is not about helping others overcome their weaknesses (real or perceived). It’s about encouraging their strengths. When people are doing what they’re good at, they’re doing what they love. And when everyone on the team is doing what they love—that’s when the magic happens.
In flipping the script. Every challenge or drama contains the seeds of its own resolution—if you shift your perspective. Where others see a problem to be dealt with, we look for—and find—an opportunity to go deeper, find the source, and replace it with a new paradigm.
In family. It’s what life is all about. Work and family are not things we “balance” because they’re not in conflict—love feeds them both.
In the Golden Rule. It’s simple—even when it’s not easy. Treat others as you would have them treat you. For us, that means bringing our “A” game to work for our clients every day—along with respect, trustworthiness, and a sense of humor.
In lifelong learning. Every new project, every new client, every new colleague, every new day. Everything holds the potential for growth. Spiritual, intellectual, artistic, strategic, tactical, physical. We believe in challenging ourselves and each other to drive to new heights.